How To Do Basement Floor Insulation

Why is it that most people can't seem to get rid of that "dark and ugly" basement mentality?  If you do not think your basement falls under that category, then kudos to you. You probably belong to a class of people who have beautifully aesthetic homes, or you're probably one of those people who have great basement insulation. Most families see the basement as a dank and cold place and fail to see the potential that comes with having a huge underground space. Even some interior designers overlook the necessity of having a nice and warm basement floor. The notion that the room downstairs is spooky did not just start with Hollywood movies. It started because most people do not see the basement as a living space in their homes. Most people regard the basement as just another storage space, much like a stock room or the closet under the stairs. But even dull and cold basements can undergo magical transformations with the addition of basement floor insulation, some basement paint and a few tips and artistic ideas.
In basic basement construction, insulation is either incorrectly positioned or just plain non-existent. This leaves a whole lot of room for basement repair. And that means literally as well as figuratively. In order to utilize your underground space as well as you can, make sure that you choose the right combination of materials and proper installation. There are three basic ways to insulate your basement. You can go for any of these three:
  • Internal insulation. This means that the insulating material is found in the inner part of your basement wall and just below your basement floor. With this type of insulation, a dry wall is usually added. This is because most insulating materials are flammable.
  • External insulation. The insulating material is set on the outer part of your basement walls.
  • Middle insulation. This is quite common, but the disadvantage comes when you have to do repairs.
Insulating the basement floor is also another point of contention for some people, because they think that insulating the walls and ceiling is better. But try waking up in the middle of the night, still warm from your sleep, and walking on a cold floor. In a dank and wet basement, adding floor insulation could be a good way of keeping the cold out or simply, the warmth in. Make sure that there is a proper drain, though, before putting in that insulator. The most common floor insulation materials are:
  • Reflective foil
  • Extruded polystyrene foam
  • Polyurethane foam
  • Carpet
But in the course of insulation installation, make sure that you put sealer in the joints or in the areas that are prone to damage. If you are using tiles, make sure that these are sealed properly. This will keep your maintenance fairly easy.
Check with your local insulators for the material that would suit your demands, but far more important, look for a material that will work well with the make of your basement floor. Look for other types, options, etc. that will not cost you an exorbitant amount. A warmer and brighter basement is yours to have with just a few intelligent choices.

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