How To Use Table Pads

During these hard times, homeowners must make sure that every part of their house is in tip-top shape so that every piece of furniture and equipment will last longer. The dining room, they say, is the heart of the house, because it's where the family usually gets to spend time together. As such, the dining room must receive extra care, and one way of preserving its efficiency and use is by using table pads for the dining table and the kitchen tables, which are the most often used tables.
Table pads can be used for all the tables in the house, of course. They serve to protect your table from unwanted and destructive moisture, as well as ugly marks, cracks and scratches. It can even minimize the irritating sound of glass against glass during mealtime. It is best to use them for your table cover, because tablecloths are not enough to protect your table from wear and tear.
The first thing you should do in order to use table pads is to know your table. Have it measured. If it has a regular size and shape, you could probably find ready-to use table pads from your local hardware store.  Buy the right number of table pads, if they come in pieces. If the table pad you're buying comes in one piece, then make sure you have the right size.
If your table has an irregular shape, or if you do not want the usual table pads, then you can have them custom-made and tailored according to your needs and taste. Most brands like Guardian  and Sentry offer options for custom-made table pads. Check their web sites to find out more about their products.
Once you have your table pads, get ready to place them on your table. But first, make sure that the tabletop is clean. You don't want the table pads to bury dirt and moisture beneath them.
While the table pads are doing their duty, avoid placing pots and pans on the table, which are too hot. If you really have to, then place them on a piece of cloth or a pot stand, so that the heat won't damage the table pads. Since they protect your table, they must be protected, too.
Try to remove the table pads at least twice a month, so you can remove the moisture and the dirt that could accumulate between the pads and the tabletop. You can wipe the table pads with a damp cloth and air them out in the backyard for an hour or so before putting them back.
The table pads need changing every so often. When changing them, always ask someone to help if the pad is one big piece. However, if they come in several pieces and you can handle them, you can do it by yourself. Make sure you have the replacements with you before you remove the old table pads, so you can immediately put new ones down after changing them. Do not throw the used table pads away; you might have some use for them later on.
Don't hesitate to use table pads on your tables. They will truly live up to your expectations.