How To Pack Fragile Stemware

Stemware can be quite a problem to pack as they are probably the most fragile items among your various house wares. The simple steps outlined below show how to pack them properly so that these precious crystal and glass arrive safely in your new home.
  1. Acquire the proper packing container for stemware. Cell boxes are the right kind of packing container for breakable items such as stemware. Cell boxes are simply thick cardboard boxes with dividers in them so that each breakable piece is held individually. Moving supply stores offer these containers. As an alternative you can use the original packaging (if you kept it) or acquire old stemware packaging boxes from the store you bought them. It's also possible for you to construct your own make-shift cell box. It's simply a matter of putting together cardboard dividers that will fit the size of the moving box you plan to use for your stemware. Make sure the box is just the right height for your stemware so that there isn't too much extra space. Usually small moving boxes will do but you should still check your stemware as wine glasses, goblets, champagne flutes and other crystal come in various shapes and sizes.
  2. Wrap the stemware correctly using the right materials. The most recommended wrapping materials are tissue paper in combination with newsprint. Each piece of stemware should be wrapped individually. The first step is to stuff the inside of the stemware with tissue paper, just enough to leave no empty spaces. Next, wrap the stemware with several pieces of tissue paper. Make sure the whole thing is completely wrapped by tucking any excess around the globe, into the edge of the globe, and around the base. The next layer of wrapping will be newsprint. The same method is used as with the tissue paper but this time you should mold the newsprint paper to the shape of the stemware. This means making the wrapping tight around the globe, stem and base. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put an extra layer or two of newsprint to be safe. You can secure the wrapping with a moderate amount of tape.
  3. Secure the stemware in the packing container. The important thing to remember at this stage is to pack the stemware in an upright position. Place each piece of stemware in its cell divider stem first. Packing stemware on its side is the fastest way to break them. An extra layer of bubble wrap could be used to make each stemware fit tightly enough in its cell and give extra cushion and protection.
  4. Seal and label the packing container. Before you finally seal the packing container, you can shake it gently to see if there are still empty spaces and the stemware is still packed loosely. If this is the case you should add more bubble wrap or crumpled tissue paper into the empty spaces. You should also put a sheet of bubble wrap on top of the stemware before closing and sealing the container's top flaps. When you seal the packing container use packing tape to be sure it sticks properly. You should also label it as 'Fragile' and mark which side is up.
You've successfully wrapped, packed and sealed your valuable stemware. All that effort might go to waste if you don't position them properly inside the moving van. As with any thing light and fragile, place the packing container holding the stemware on top of the heavier boxes and don't put anything else on top of it. Make sure they don't slip and fall by securing them on to the heavier boxes with packing tape.