How To Select a Ceiling Medallion

What is a ceiling medallion? A ceiling medallion is a decorative circle attached to the center of the ceiling which has a light fitting or ceiling fan connected from it.  Back in the old days, ceiling medallions were made and carved from wood. They were nailed to the ceiling. However, nowadays, ceiling medallions are made from either molded urethane or resin. They are lighter in weight and sold more cheaply.
Ceiling medallions are produced in different styles, depth and design, that perfectly match Colonial-style rooms to Victorian parlors. Some are simple, some are intricately designed. Although some people prefer the medallion to be painted like the ceiling, some favor those with metallic or wood like finish, while some use mirrors. Coated screws or nails and adhesive are used to adhere them to the ceiling.
Installing a ceiling medallion adds a new feel and look to your room. However, you cannot just buy any kind, design or size. The ceiling medallion must be proportional to the fixture and the room, just like when buying rugs. You must be careful to choose a medallion that does not overwhelm the fixture or be subdued by it. It will only look out of place being attached with a large chandelier. To select the right one, you need consider several factors:
  1. Ceiling medallions must be either wider or smaller than the ceiling fan or the chandelier, and not of the same size. This might because an optical illusion called tunnel vision. It makes the ceiling look lower than it really is.
  2. You can use a larger or wider ceiling medallion for a high ceiling. The higher the ceiling height, the larger the medallion must be.
  3. The bigger the room, the larger the medallion has to be. For example, if the room size is 140 square feet or less, the ideal medallion diameter is twenty inches or less. A room size of 140 to 210 square feet must have a medallion diameter of twenty to thirty inches. On the other hand, if the room has the square footage of 210 up to 280, then the diameter of the medallion must be thirty to forty inches. Any size that is more than 280 requires a medallion with a diameter of 40 inches or more.
Aside from ceiling medallions, ceiling tiles are used to adorn a room. These are sometimes used to cover chipped areas and cracks. Compared to paint, ceiling tiles last longer since they do not fade, get peeled or warped. Metal ceiling patterns like diamond-shaped tiles, floral and elaborate designs can turn a simple room into an elegant one. Using ceiling tiles in hallway, bathroom, kitchen and other parts of the house will provide an instant transformation. Some even use ceiling tiles for doors of cabinets, rather than doing a paint job. Using tiles prevents the cabinetry from showing visible scratches. These are also placed on the surface of tabletops and headboards.