How To Fix Paint Drips

Painting can fun, but be careful: it's time consuming and if the job is not done correctly, you can be left with a lot of little errors to correct. Painting a complete room too quickly often leads to paint drips, and if you don't notice and clean them up right away you will be left wondering why your newly-painted walls still look so unfinished. If you're painting and you find yourself with lots of paint drips, it's helpful to know the easiest, fastest way to deal with them before they dry and cause an even bigger cleanup problem.
Paint drips are usually caused by packing the roller or brush with too much paint, and then using that overloaded brush or roller to paint. Do not worry; it can even happen to professional painters and it's easy enough to fix that paint drip. Here are some pointers:
  • If you happen to catch the paint while it is still wet, you may be able to brush out the drip. Just make even strokes alongside the drip.
  • If the wet paint dries while you're fixing it, you can continue to brush gently.  Make certain you are seeing an improvement; if not, you should move onto the next step before you end up with additional problems to address.
  • If the paint is somewhat dry, you can get a used rag and dampen it slightly.  Use it to gently remove the dripped paint from the surface.
  • For completely dried paint drips that aren't caught until the following day may need to be scraped.  You can do this with something that is very sharp, like a razor blade.  Once you have removed the dripped paint, you can reapply a coat or two as needed.  It is very important that you do not scrape too deeply; if you gouge the wall underneath, you'll have a whole new repair job on your hands!
  • When painting, it is best to take care and watch what you're doing as closely as possible; this way you will notice paint drips as they occur and you can fix them while the area is still wet.
While there are many different ways to remove paint drips, the above method is commonly used and very effective.